Winter park opens in Yerevan
YEREVAN. – The grand opening of the Winter Park took place in Yerevan on Saturday.
Together with the residents of the capital, Mayor of Yerevan Taron Margaryan toured the park and got familiarized with the conditions of the winter entertainment zone. Presenting the capacities of the park, the persons in charge noted that in this small fairy-tale world, children will make use of the skating rink and slides, also enjoying the festive Christmas atmosphere, where various surprises will await them.
Together with the residents of the capital, Mayor of Yerevan Taron Margaryan toured the park and got familiarized with the conditions of the winter entertainment zone. Presenting the capacities of the park, the persons in charge noted that in this small fairy-tale world, children will make use of the skating rink and slides, also enjoying the festive Christmas atmosphere, where various surprises will await them.